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Rachelle Ankney

Dr. Rachelle Ankney grew up in the Midwest and, after achieving her doctorate, she found her way to North Park where she has taught for over a decade.

For Ankney, “Engaging with students about justice issues happens more easily at North Park than at other schools. I love going into the new semester and meeting wonderful people.”

In her courses, students are challenged to stretch beyond their perceptual limits and discover what they’re capable of mathematically. “They come in thinking they can’t, and leave thinking they can,” she says.

“My GE math courses are very political. A lot of how racism has shaped the city of Chicago. Mathematics has a lot to say about systems of injustice because mathematics can be used to establish that something is systemic instead of individual.” This was something that Dr. Ankney could not bring into the classroom until North Park gave her the space to facilitate it in the classroom.

In addition, Ankney and colleague Dr. Kaestner, co-wrote a math textbook, “Just Math,” in which mathematics is applied to social justice issues.

Recent Publications

Ankney, Rachelle. Just Math, Kendall-Hunt, 2016.

Popular Courses

Math 1030 Just Math: Professor Ankney loves teaching this course because students do math in a real-life context they can use in their own lives (such as managing credit cards, student loans, and future mortgages) and understand about our systems (systematic racism, electoral systems, etc).

Inspirations & Interests

“I enjoy being introduced to new foods and eating old favorites. I love it that in Chicago I can eat foods from all over the world!”