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North Parker Magazine Winter 2021

Honoring Our Retirees

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In September, the campus gathered in a remote celebration of 15 faculty and staff members who led careers of significance and service.

Rick Rice

Security Officer, Security and Safety

Coming to North Park was the best thing that could’ve happened for North Park, and for Rick. God works in many ways.

—Dan Gooris C’73
Former Director of Campus Safety and Auxiliary Services

Daisy Santiago-Altiery C’83 G’92 S’15

Director of Counseling and Support Services, Center for Student Engagement

Daisy, you’re a woman of integrity who served both the university, and your profession, with high standards of excellence. Thank you…
Daisy, you are a friend: no matter what was happening on campus, you always took the time to pause, and ask me about my life.

—Elizabeth Fedec G’99
Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students

Rev. Deborah Penny S’06

Associate Director of CALL and Professor of Spiritual Formation, North Park Theological Seminary

Deborah has been a gift to us, and a gift beyond our campus … When she prays for you, you know you have been prayed for. Most of all she’s been a pastor, offering pastoral care over our staff, faculty and students.

—David Kersten C’77 S’82 S’97
Vice President for Church Relations and Dean of the Seminary

Gordana Erzic

Office Manager, Physical Plant

Gordana was a perfect fit for North Park and for the Physical Plant. It was apparent very quickly when she arrived that she was a people person. It wasn’t long after she arrived that she became “Gordie,”  to our department and to those on campus.

—Carl Wistrom C’77
Director of Physical Plant

Karen Dickelman

Director of Music Events and Communications, School of Music, Art, and Theatre

We not only appreciated and benefitted from her dedication and expert professional support, but came to depend and rely on it. Karen consistently, faithfully and enthusiastically served during her time at North Park.

—Rebecca Ryan
Interim Dean of the School of Music, Art, and Theatre and Associate Professor of Music

Linda Craft

Professor of Spanish, Foreign Language

Linda has been a compassionate and giving member of the North Park community; generous with her teaching, and with her service, and always gracious, with her students and with her colleagues. She embodies what North Park is all about.

—Susan Rabe C’75

Interim Co-Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of History

Reyna Garmendia

Custodian, Physical Plant

Reyna was someone we could count on … She was very flexible, and always willing to help out. We will miss her and the students she cleaned for in the dorms will miss her also.

—Carl Wistrom C’77
Director of Physical Plant

Dan Gooris C’73

Director of Campus Safety and Auxiliary Services, Security and Safety

North Park Security Officers are active and former career law enforcement personnel from local police agencies. They patrol the campus 24 hours each day, 365 days per year. Thanks to their training and background, North Park security officers have a close working relationship with state and local law enforcement who readily provide additional support when requested. 

I want to thank Dan for his many years of service to his alma mater. He was always a trusted adviser and I felt safer on our campus knowing that Dan and his team were keeping careful watch.

—Scott Stenmark C’91
Vice President for Finance and Administration/Chief Financial Officer

Alina Carreno

Associate Director of Student Accounts, Student Administrative Services

Alina is blessed with an incredible amount of patience, and the ability to listen to students as they share with her. She has created relationships with students that have extended for years beyond their graduation.

—Aaron Schoof
Senior Director of Data and Administrative Services

Jean Benevich

Assistant Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing and Health Sciences

Jean was intensely loyal to the School of Nursing and Health Sciences. She was really committed to quality. She brought a sense of energy, passion, and commitment to nursing. We are so thankful that you were a part of our team, Jean.

—Linda Duncan C’69
Professor of Nursing

Wilda Graham C’06 G’08

Business Office Associate/Administrative Assistant, Business Office

Wilda is one of the most Godly women I know. Her faith frames all of her life. She accepts everyone and is a model of putting others first.

—Carl Balsam
Former Vice President for Finance and Administration/Chief Financial Officer

Charles Peterson C’73

Professor of Communications/Director of the Center for Scandinavian Studies, Communication Arts and Former Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

As Dean, Charles was known for his open door, and for his kindness and dedication to his faculty. His faculty loved him for his breadth of spirit and his openness, his innate fairness, and his willingness to try to resolve problems. They also loved him for his sense of humor … What has always been most evident about Charles is how deeply he cares.

—Susan Rabe C’75
Interim Co-Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of History

Maria Vastis

Office Manager, Division of Sciences

Maria always kept an eye on details faculty often missed, frequently reporting to me that she had saved some chunk of money during a purchase … She has a wonderful eye for detail, and it really came out during graduation season.

—Dr. Matthew Schau
Interim Co-Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Biology

Rich Eckman

General Maintenance/Field Manager, Physical Plant

Rich was a jack of all trades and wore many different trades’ hats. Rich was well-known on campus for having a sense of humor, and he and I shared many laughs through the years.

—Carl Wistrom C’77
Director of Physical Plant

Tony Quinn

Associate Professor of Exercise and Sport, School of Nursing and Health Sciences

Tony was a teacher, a mentor, a coach, and was inducted into the North Park Viking Hall of Fame in 2015. He never wanted to be in the spotlight, he preferred to work behind the scenes. He was not one to speak at length, but when he did, his audience locked in on the guidance he provided.

—Andrew Lundgren G’01
Associate Professor of Athletic Training/Athletic Training Program Director

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