Colleges and Schools

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-to-BSN) Degree Completion has been discontinued and is no longer accepting new students.

Request More Information

You have questions, we have answers.

Do you have questions about degree completion as an RN? Request more information today; our admissions team is ready to help you find your place at North Park University’s School of Nursing.

North Park uses a convenient online admissions system to help our students take the next steps—whether that’s starting an application or asking a question. Filling out a form to request more information helps us know what you’re looking for; we’ll respond to your request with prompt, personal service. You can expect to receive communication from our Office of Graduate and Adult Admissions by email, as well as printed materials by mail.

Schedule a Personal Appointment

Do you have specific questions about transferring credit or completing your degree while working as an RN? Sometimes a face-to-face or over-the-phone meeting with an admissions representative is the best option. Meet Viviana Belisle, assistant director of admission for nursing programs. She will be happy to schedule a personal appointment or phone call with you to discuss your educational and career goals, or to answer questions you have about the application process.

Upcoming Information Sessions

Contact Viviana Belisle at (773) 244-5508 or to RSVP for an information session or schedule a personal appointment.