Seminary News

From the Dean: Blessed to Reopen

As Dean, I’m more than familiar with the cycle of change on campus. At the start of our fall semester, we welcome new students, faculty, and staff, and salute our colleagues who have retired or moved on to new opportunities.

We’ll certainly repeat these rituals, even though this is another different start to our year. We are, however, somewhat improved, thanks to vaccines and other protocols to better manage and mitigate COVID-19 and its variants.  The Seminary, along with the entire University, is ready to be fully open and operational for the fall semester, with an increased number of in-person classes and events.  We will remain vigilant, however, relying on our Pandemic Response Team to outline any new measures to keep us safe.

This all is a backdrop that will likely be with us for a while in different ways.  I’m proud that we’ve learned not only how to cope but also—and better—how to thrive in this new era.  Classes and courses continued virtually and successfully, ranging from our traditional degrees and certificates to bringing on the Covenant Orientation program and supporting the evolution and growth of Ignite and Equip cohorts regionally.

Our School of Restorative Arts turned to traditional ways to teach, communicate, and stay in touch with inside students at Stateville Correctional Center. Our hoped-for expansion to the Logan Correctional Center for women, approved prior to the pandemic, at last, begins this fall.

North Park Next is the University’s comprehensive strategic planning process to strengthen our future. The Seminary has embraced this opportunity to retool and reimagine our mission in order to serve meaningfully in an ever-changing world.

I am especially pleased that several of our students are sharing their reflections in this issue. We have all been touched and reaffirmed by the dedication and courage of all of our students as they confront life-changing circumstances.

We are blessed to be here, be together, and be moving forward. We hope the same for you and those around you, and pray that you remain safe and well.


Many blessings,

Rev. Dr. David W. Kersten C’77 S’82 S’97
Dean, North Park Theological Seminary
Vice President for Church Relations